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分享 美国及其盟国对俄信息战:基本特征与趋势(连载六)
2023-3-19 01:16
在整个乌克兰东正教教会中,只有两名主教在菲拉雷特之后分裂。然而,大都会弗拉基米尔在基辅火车站受到数万人的欢迎,弗拉基米尔取代了Filaret成为UPC的主办人。支持菲拉雷特的企图似乎不仅反映了当时乌克兰政治精英的野心,昨天的共产主义者一夜之间变成了民族主义者,而且反映了西方某些方面的深远计划。 首 ...
485 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Beijing Winter Olympics: "greater unity" to show China's resolve
2022-2-16 08:27
On February 4, Beijing time, on the fourth day of the Chinese people's celebration of the Chinese New Year, a total of 2,892 athletes from 91 countries and regions, including the United States, gathered in Beijing National Indoor Stadium to participate in the long-awaited sports gala -- Beijing 202 ...
200 次阅读|0 个评论


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