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发表于 2020-8-5 13:03:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


一位来自华盛顿州(Washington)名叫 Kristina Watts 的妈妈在去年11月中旬时,在自己的脸书上面发布了贴文……

Kristina Watts
about 9 months ago
Once again my camera roll is FULL of pictures of Emerson with every single thing she wants for Christmas. Why...because it’s the most amazing parenting hack ever and has stopped MANY meltdowns! If you aren’t using this hack...listen up friends.

Our trips to the store used to be a lot more painful this time of year. Toys are out in full force...and of course my kids WANT 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 ALL. Obviously I would love to have sweet, well mannered, non-greedy, chill kids, that don’t ask for all the things...but I don’t. So drop your judgement Karen, and stop reading if you have kids like that 👆. Now...if you have kids like mine...that want the shiny amazing things that fill Target, the grocery store, Office Depot, the gas station, and pretty much everywhere you go this time of year, this is for you.

What is it?!

Take a picture. It’s that simple.

Pause for a second, comment on the thing they’re pointing out, and say, “Let’s take a picture with it and send it to Santa so he knows you want it!” Note: you can send it to Santa, grandma, TeeTee Stephanie or whoever it is you can pawn it off on. Totally up to you and can be different every time.

Magically, Emmie smiles, says cheese, asks to see the picture, then PUTS THE TOY DOWN AND WALKS AWAY. It’s magical. No tears. No tantrums (by either of us). And she forgets about all of them within minutes.

Maybe you’ve been doing this for ages, and you selfishly didn’t share this tip with me...or maybe you’re like me and this is about to rock your world. For real, try it friends.

You’re welcome.

“我的手机相簿里都是女儿 Emerson 满满的照片,而照片中都是她在圣诞节时想要得到的礼物。为什么呢⋯⋯因为我有一个非常神奇的解决方法并能停止这种情况,如果爸妈们不好好学起来⋯⋯朋友们听好了。”为了帮助许多经历著同样困扰的爸妈,Kristina将自己摆平“女儿在卖场哭闹买玩具”状况的方法公诸于世,迎来了非常多网友的关注!不少爸妈在听过之后,都称赞表示:“这个方法超级实用”、“对欸!我怎么没想到?”在短短时间内就累积了超过五万次的分享!

Kristina 解释,先帮助小朋友冷静下来,控制玩具购物欲是解决问题的最大关键,然后就是拿出手机为他们与想买的玩具合照。Kristina 信誓旦旦的表示,过去每一年的圣诞节前后,女儿 Emerson 一旦走进商店都会出现什么玩具都想要的情况,但是其实只要让她选购玩具的同时,拿出手机帮她拍几张照片就能轻松搞定!


Kristina 透露对小朋友使用这招的关键:每当孩子们有想要的东西时,爸妈可以先稍作停顿,不要马上否定他们,而是对孩子们想要的东西作出简单的评论,最后拿出手机说出最重要的一句话:“妈妈帮你跟玩具拍照,然后传给圣诞老人,让他知道你想要这个!”Kristina 也提醒大家:“传送的对象可以是任何孩子们知道的人,例如:圣诞老人、阿公阿嬷等等,而且每次都可以是不同的人。”


后来有一位妈妈讲 Kristina 的方法现学现用,发现同样有效!她兴奋的在下面留言道:“假日逛街的时候,用在我的孩子身上,没想到真的有效!”这个方法看似简单,对于天真烂漫又善忘的小孩子来说,看来真的有效呢!
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