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发表于 2013-6-27 23:07:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 超限战 于 2013-6-30 19:01 编辑


原文网址: http://jasmine-action.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_28.html


本文还揭露了美国国会及行政当局中国委员会的执行主任刘天龙(Lawrence T. Liu)同傅希秋等人密切合作,将那些疑似中共间谍的人用各种方式走私到美国,并让这些人到美国国会作伪证。这包括本文所提到的赵琳,王雪臻,北风温云超,等等。这些人为何能够一登陆美国就到美国国会作证?盖因有傅希秋和刘天龙在美国作卧底当内应。他们是里应外合来欺骗美国国会,为中共游说,使得中共政权从中渔利。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-27 23:08:05 | 只看该作者

CCP spies manipulate Congress hearings to cheat/mislead US Lawmakers

本帖最后由 超限战 于 2013-6-28 08:24 编辑


I, Gang Liu, swear or affirm:  

1. I was one of the student leader during the Tiananmen pro-democracy movement in 1989. I was listed as Number 3rd on the most wanted student leaders by the Chinese Communist.

2. I was one of the leaders of the pro-democracy movement that culminated in the events that led to the massacre in Tiananmen Square in June of 1989. I was arrested by the Chinese Communist government for my involvement and sentenced to six years in prison. During my  time in prison, I was subjected to torture, beatings and other mistreatment including extended periods in solitary confinement.

3. After I served the full 6-years in the Chinese Communist prisons, I escaped to the United States with the helps of Clinton's government in 1996.  

4. Once I entered the United Stated, I started my American dream.  

5. I enrolled in Columbia University in 1996. I published technical papers and got patents approved while I was a student at Columbia University.  

6. Since I graduated from Columbia University, I have worked for Bell Labs as a scientist, then worked for Citigroup, Morgan Stanley as a VP.  

7. My American dream was almost there. However, the Chinese government had never left me alone. Chinese government has sent spies to harass me, to destroy my American dream, and even tried to destroy my life. I have reported to the Congress and some other authority agencies regarding how the Chinese government sent spies to harass me, including to have me lost jobs by Cyber-Attacking my ex-employers. Please check the following link for more details:


8. Chinese government has sent many of their spies to the United States to do espionage for the Chinese government or to damage the interests of the United States. In this affidavit, I am disclosing one Chinese spy case to show the Chinese spies manipulate Congress hearings to cheat/mislead US Lawmakers.

9. On November 10th, 2009, the Congress hosted a Hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. The following link gives the archived documents for that hearing:

http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/tran ... ript_11-10-2009.pdf

10. A Chinese lady with alias name "Wu Jian" gave testimony at the above mentioned Congress Hearing. In her testimony, Ms. Wu Jian gave a terrible and unbelievable story regarding the forced abortion in China.  

11. In her testimony statement, Wu Jian stated that:  

"that night I was taken to the surgical room again at night. This time they wanted me to lie on the surgical table. "

"Now they would cut my baby into pieces with scissors and then they would suck it out with a special machine. "

"Very soon I heard the sound of the scissor cutting the flesh of my baby. I felt I knew that my baby was being killed. His or her hands were broken. His or her legs were broken. That was part of my body. "

12. All of the statements in Wu Jian's testimony are lies and false. In fact, it was Bob Fu who had made up such horrible stories and forced Wu Jian to false statement at the Congress hearings.

13. In about July 2010, I met Wu Jian in New York city. Wu Jian's true name is Lin Zhao, who also has many other different names, such as "Sun Dandan", which she used for media reports.

14. Ms. Wu Jian, from here on as Lin Zhao, told me that she lied when she did testimony to the Congress. She had never been pregnancy since 1997. However, she lied that she was pregnant in the winter of 2004, and then was forced abortion in 2005.  

15. I asked Lin Zhao why did she lie to the Congress? Lin Zhao told me that it was Bob Fu forced her to lie on that and to make the case more recent abortion case.

16. I asked Zhao Lin to write down the true story about her forced abortion and to post it on the web. Ms. Lin Zhao said that Mr. Bob Fu would kill her if she let people know the true story.

17. On August 23rd, 2010, Ms. Lin Zhao filed lawsuit to the New York South District Court. The Chinese premier Wen Jiabao and four other Chinese government officials were listed as defendants. Ms. Lin Zhao  claimed that she was forced to do abortion in March 1996. Four months later, she gave birth to new baby. She claimed that the Chinese government was responsible to kill one of her baby in March 1996.  

18. Ms. Lin Zhao's lawsuit against Wen Jiabao was reported by many media, include Radio Free Asia, VOA, Boxun, etc.  

19. Mr. Bob Fu contacted with Ms. Lin Zhao through email and phone. Mr. Bob Fu requested Ms. Lin Zhao to drop the lawsuit against Wen Jiabao immediately. Mr. Bob Fu threatened to destroy Ms. Lin Zhao if she wouldn't withdraw the case immediately.

20. Mr. Bob Fu immediately put his threatening words into action -- Mr. Bob Fu started to destroy Ms. Lin Zhao!  

21. In the following week, Mr. Bob Fu requested his friends to fire Ms. Zhao Lin. Ms. Zhao immediately lost her job and had no income.

22. Mr. George Zhao is Ms. Lin Zhao's elder brother. Mr. George Zhao used to work for Mr. Bob Fu. Actually, Mr. Bob Fu sponsored Mr. George Zhao to run the China Network (VOCN), a web based TV Station. Bob Fu ordered Mr. George Zhao to give pressure to Ms. Lin Zhao. Bob Fu threatened to fire George Zhao if he couldn't have his sister to drop the case. In about a few weeks later, Bob Fu transfer his threatening words in action -- He fired Mr. George Zhao! Since then, Mr. George Zhao complained Ms. Lin Zhao for having him lost jobs.  

23. Mr. Wen Jiabao, the Chinese Premier at that time and one of the defendants sued by Ms. Lin Zhao, responded to the lawsuit privately. Mr. Wen sent several high rank officials, including his secretary, the director for foreign policy of the Department of Birth Control, etc, to visit Ms. Lin Zhao's family in China and to investigate the case. It turned out that Ms. Lin Zhao had never done any forced abortion in China!

24. Ms. Lin Zhao finally admitted that she had never done any forced abortion in China. Then, why she made up such kind horrible stories to cheat the Lawmakers of the United States? Ms. Lin Zhao explained to me that she was forced to do such kind testimony before she came to the United States.  

25. There is a group of Chinese Security agents who used "NingJingZhiYuan" (宁静致远)as their group id on Skype. It was the "NingJingZhiYuan" approached Ms. Lin Zhao and cheated her to do projects for the Chinese security agency. Since 2008, NingJingZhiYuan asked Ms. Lin Zhao to help Mr. Guangcheng Chen and to make him famous. In 2009, NingJingZhiYuan and Mr. Bob Fu arranged Ms. Lin Zhao to come to the United States to do the testimony at the Congress hearings arranged by Mr. Bob Fu. It was Mr. Bob Fu who forced and ordered Ms. Lin Zhao to give false statements with full of lies at the Congress hearings. Particularly, Mr. Bob Fu prepared the prepared testimony statements for Ms. Lin Zhao.  

26. Ms. Lin Zhao contacted with NingJingZhiYuan, the Chinese security agents, frequently through Skype. NingJingZhiYuan told Ms. Lin Zhao that her major task was made herself famous and develop close relationships with American Lawmakers, especially with the Congress members who were powerful and influential regarding Chinese related issues, including but not limited to the following Representatives: Congressman Frank Wolf, Congressman Chris Smith, etc.  

27. NingJingZhiYuan also told Ms. Lin Zhao that they were trying to arrange Mr. Guangcheng Chen to the United States. Ms. Lin Zhao was asked to do her best to promote Mr. Guangcheng Chen, and let American know Guangcheng Chen's name. Clearly, the Chinese Security agency had planned to arrange Guangcheng Chen to come to the United States long time ago. Just like Mr. Guangcheng Chen himself clearly stated that his escape had been well planned and designed for at least 15 months! Obviously, Mr. Guangcheng Chen had discussed his plan with Chinese Security agency! It was the Chinese security agency arranged Mr. Guangcheng Chen to come to the United States!  

28. Ms. Lin Zhao's horrible stories had widely covered by main stream media in United States. Many Americans were deeply touched by Ms. Lin Zhao's story. In fact, it was Mr. Bob Fu and the Chinese Security Agency who had cheated the American Lawmakers and mislead the public opinion by speculating Ms. Lin Zhao's false statements.  

29. Although Ms. Lin Zhao did the false statements as advised by Bob Fu, Mr. Bob Fu had never left Ms. Lin Zhao alone. He continued to threaten and to harass Ms. Lin Zhao. He asked Lin Zhao to go back China. Actually, it was Bob Fu who invited Lin Zhao to the United States and made all the arrangement for Lin Zhao to do testimony at the Congress hearings. "I invited you to the United States, " Bob Fu threatened Lin Zhao through phone again and again, "Now, I wanted you to go back China! I can have you got political asylum, I can also make you deported!"

30. To avoid being destroyed or hunted by Mr. Bob Fu, Ms. Lin Zhao eventually hid herself by moving to a secret place. Ms. Lin Zhao had thought many times to have herself disappeared or commit suicide.

31. Ms. Lin Zhao's case clearly indicated that Mr. Bob Fu worked with Chinese Security Agency to smuggle Chinese individuals into the United States, and forced those people to work for the benefits of the Chinese Government. Bob Fu has invited many other Chinese individuals to come to the United States to meet with American Lawmakers, some of them even meet with the President of the United States. Here is a short list:
Mr. Wang Yi, Mr. Yu Jie, Mr. Li Boguang, Ms. Xuezhen Wang, etc.  

32. By giving lies and false statement at Congress hearings, Mr. Bob Fu has cheated the Lawmakers and misled the public opinions to benefit the Chinese government.  

33. Mr. Bob Fu could arrange anyone to do testimony or witness at some of the Congress hearings, even the witness are not credible. Mr. Bob Fu could cheat the Congress easily! Mr. Bob Fu could introduce anyone to meet with President George Bush and made them the most famous Chinese political figures! Why Mr. Bob Fu is so powerful? As Ms. Lin Zhao disclosed, Bob Fu was fully backed up by the Chinese Security agency, and Bob Fu has many friends or comrades in the Congress!

34. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu worked with Mr. Bob Fu closely to arranged many Chinese to do testimony at the Congress hearings. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has worked as the Staff Director of the Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC) for several years. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has been assistants to some of the Senators and Representatives.

35. Since early 2011, I have visited the CECC office many times to report issues regarding Chinese spies, and the Cyber-Attacks by China based hackers. I frequently asked Mr. Lawrence T. Liu or his staff members to give me chances  to do testimony at relevant Congress hearings hosted by CECC. However, Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has never given me a chance! And Mr. Lawrence T. Liu arranged Mr. Wen Yunchao, who is very likely to work for the Chinese government, to be witness at the Congress Hearing for the Cyber-Attack.  
See the following link:

36. On May 3rd, 2012, Ms. Wang Xuezhen and Ms. Reggie Littlejohn were invited to do testimony at one of the Congress hearings. Note that, Ms. Wang Xuezhen was just entered the United States on April 20th, 2012. How could she entered the United States so easily, and immediately show up at the Congress to be a witness? Obviously, Ms. Wang Xunezhen was arranged by the Chinese Security Agency to come to the United States to do lobby for the Chinese government!

37. I have evidences to show that both Mr. Wen Yunchao and Ms. Wang Xuezhen were arranged by the Chinese Security agency to come to the United States to do lobby for the Chinese government. However, Mr. Lawrence T. Liu had invited both Mr. Wen Yunchao and Ms. Wang Xuezhen to do testimony at the Congress hearings. It is very strange that Mr. Lawrence T. Liu always easily found and invited people who intends to do lobby for the Chinese government.  

38. Mr. Bob Fu claimed that he was a student leader during Tiananmen pro-democracy movement in 1989. That is clearly another lie made by Mr. Bob Fu.

39. Clearly, Mr. Bob Fu had frequently lied and cheated at the Congress hearings, and Mr. Bob Fu had worked closely with the Chinese security agency to do lobby for the benefits of the Chinese government. I request the Congress to have a hearing to investigate Mr. Bob Fu background. I hope I could be invited to do testimony at related Congressional hearings.  

40. I request FBI to investigate Mr. Bob Fu's case, especially about the human trafficking, wire-fraud, and threatening to witnesses. I would like to provide more tips and evidences to show Mr. Bob Fu was working for the Chinese government.

41. As the Staff Director of the CECC, Mr. Lawrence T. Liu's position is very important to the safety of the United States. I request FBI to do a thorough background check for Mr. Lawrence T. Liu to make sure he doesn't work for the Chinese government.  

42. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has showed bias against me and some of our Chinese dissidents, I request Mr. Lawrence T. Liu resign himself from his current position as the Staff Director of the CECC.

43. Due to my tips and information, FBI arrested Mr. Yuhua Tang, who was said the head of the Chinese Security agency in North America region. I also provided evidences to show some people are Chinese military spies, including Ms. Yinghua Guo, Mr. Qianjin Zhang, etc. I request FBI to investigate the relevant cases. The FBI should arrest some of the Chinese military spies and have them to exchange for Mr. Edward Snowden.  


Gang Liu
June 27th, 2013
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-27 23:11:42 | 只看该作者

Relevant pictures

本帖最后由 超限战 于 2013-6-28 08:25 编辑

A snapshot of the testimony statement prepared by Mr. Bob Fu for Ms. Wu Jian (Lin Zhao is her true name).

This is a snapshot of the Voice of China Network, which was sponsored by Mr. Bob Fu. It indicated that George Zhao was its president. However, George Zhao was fired by Mr. Bob Fu. By firing Mr. George Zhao, Mr. Bob Fu threatened Ms. Lin Zhao and made Lin Zhao to hide herself to avoid being destroyed by Mr. Bob Fu.

Mr. Bob Fu frequently introduced some Chinese to come to the United States and to Meet with President George W. Bush. Most of the Chinese introduced by Mr. Bob Fu are believed to be informant for the Chinese government.

On May 3rd, 2012, Ms. Wang Xuezhen and Ms. Reggie Littlejohn were invited to do testimony at one of the Congress hearings. Note that, Ms. Wang Xuezhen was just entered the United States on April 20th, 2012. How could she entered the United States so easily, and immediately show up at the Congress to be a witness? Obviouly, Ms. Wang Xunezhen was arranged by the Chinese Security Agency to come to the United States to do lobby for the Chinese government!

On June 25th, 2013, OECC hosted a Congressional Hearing On "Chinese Hacking: Impact on Human Rights and Commercial Rule of Law”. Both Mr. Wen Yunchao and Ms. Wang Xuezhen (Behind Mr. Wen) were showed up at this hearing.  

At the hearing hosted by CECC on June 25th, 2013, Mr. Lawrence T. Liu (Second on the right) spoke to Senator Brown, co-Chairman of the CECC. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu is the key organizer and back-seat driver for most of the Congressional hearings regarding China related issues.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-27 23:12:39 | 只看该作者

Relevant links:


中国女子纽约状告温家宝 诉一胎化政策虐杀婴儿


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-29 15:35:58 | 只看该作者




作者: 黑猫 “请看刘刚2010年为他的女朋友所编写的计划生育故事

作者: 黑猫 “我知道,刘刚把一件柴玲作证的案件漫画化了”2012-07-30 21:05:02 [点击:48]














































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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-29 15:41:20 | 只看该作者



Testimony for Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing

November 10, 2009
Wujian, citizen of the People’s Republic of China


My name is Wujian.1 I was born in a small village in northern China. During my daily life, I
tried to smile at everyone while at the bottom of my heart there is engraved a record of an
unforgettable experience from hell.

It was the winter of 2004 when I found out that I was pregnant. It was beautiful to sense this life
growing inside of me: what a miracle! Meanwhile, I was also very fearful since I did not have
the Permit for Pregnancy or the Birth Permit, which means, according to Chinese law, this baby
was not allowed to be born into this world. This baby would have to die in my womb. During
that time in my hometown, this was the law decided by the Chinese Family Planning policy
which brought fear on every family. Not only were my parents and family at risk, but also my
other relatives.

Time flew as the little baby grew daily in my womb. While the baby moved more and more
actively in my body, the maternal love also increased. The word “MOM” was not just a word
anymore; it became a reality in my life. My baby and I were one, sharing the same blood.
Pretty soon, my lower stomach began to bulge. In order to protect my baby, I had to hide myself
in a very old, shabby house in a remote area. There was no electricity at all in the room, and it
was very dark even during the day. Fear and loneliness filled me every day, but as long as I
could have my baby, I could stand anything. Many times, I was wakened at night by nightmares,
as I dreamed that I was hunted and arrested by the Family Planning government officials and
forced to have an abortion.

Eventually, the Family Planning government officials found out about my pregnancy. So they
searched all over trying to arrest me, and while they could not find me, then they caught my
father instead. They put my father into the detention center and beat him every day. On the
fourth day after they caught my father, one neighbor came and told me that my father was dying:
they would continue beating my father – even to death – until I went to the local hospital to get
abortion. My heart was broken into pieces as I faced this terrifying dilemma: either my father or
my baby, one of them had to die, and I had to make the decision.

Very soon after this, the worst thing happened: when several Family Planning government
officials broke into the house where I was hiding, and without any words, they drug me into
their van.

As soon as I got into the van, I found that another Mom was already inside the van. She told me
she was carrying her first baby, and that she was 28 years old. She did not have the Permit of
Pregnancy or the Birth Permit, and she was 7 months pregnant. She was so eager to keep this
baby that she was fighting with the government officers in the van. Suddenly, one government
official at his 20's slapped her on the face and immediately her mouth began to bleed. Being thus
insulted, she screamed like a lion and fought with the Family Planning government officials.
an alias.
About one hour later, the van stopped in the hospital. As soon as I was drug out of the van, I saw
hundred of pregnant Moms there – all of them, just like pigs in the slaughterhouse. Immediately
I was drug into a special room, and without any preliminary medical examination, one nurse did
Oxytocin injection intravenously. Then I was put into a room with several other Moms.

The room was full of Moms who had just gone through a forced abortion. Some Moms were
crying, some Moms were mourning, some Moms were screaming, and one Mom was rolling on
the floor with unbearable pain.

I was not very sensitive to the oxytocin injection, and then I was pulled into another small room.
One nurse pulled out one, big, 8-inch long needle for intramuscular injection. I had never seen
such big, long needle in my life. As soon as they pulled away my clothes, the nurse put her hand
around my lower stomach; the fear and her cold hand caused my abdominal muscle to spasm.
Because of that, for a while, the nurse could not do the injection.

At that moment, I was the only Mom in the room. I began begging the nurse while I cried, , “I
have already had the oxytocin injection, please let me go; I will go as far away as possible and I
will not tell anyone else what you had done for me and I will be grateful for you for the rest of
my life.” The nurse did not respond to my begging—she looked like wood.

Then I kept saying to her, “You are an angel, as a nurse or a doctor who is helping people and
saving peoples’ life; how could you become a killer by killing people every day?” I could
hardly see her face because she wearied a big mask. Soon she became very angry at what I said,
and told me that I talked too much. She also told me that there was nothing serious about this
whole thing for her. She did these all year. She also told me that there were over 10,000 forced
abortions in our county just for that year, and I was having just one of them. I was astonished by
her words and I realized that my baby and I were just like a lamb on the cutting board. Finally,
she put the big, long needle into the head of my baby in my womb. At the moment, it was the
end of the world for me and I felt even time had stopped. I hardly knew that something worse
would happen later.

After the injection, my baby became very quiet for a whole day. I was so naive that I thought I
could leave the hospital because I had finished the forced injection. I wondered if perhaps my
baby was lucky enough that s/he could survive.
To my great surprise, the next evening I was drug into a surgical room. I was asked to lie down
on a surgical table; it was the Guillotine for me and for my baby. While I was lying down on the
surgical table I found that there was bloody fingerprint on the wall, left by other Moms during
their surgery of a forced abortion.

One doctor told me that I brought too much trouble to them already because my baby was
supposed to flow out by itself after the injection. Since it did not come out as expected, they
decided to cut my baby into pieces in my womb with scissors, and then suck it out with a special

What I had done in my life that made me deserve this kind of punishment? What evil thing was
this all about? Even a wild animal like a tiger will give her life to save their own baby tiger. As a
Mom and a human being, could I not even protect the life of my baby?

I did not have any time to think as this most horrifying surgery began by force. I could hear the
sound of the scissors cutting the body of my baby in my womb. I could feel that, little by little,
my baby was cut into pieces; s/he was separated from my body. S/he was the flesh of my flesh,
the bone of my bone, a part of my body. That kind of pain not only killed my body, but also
killed my emotions and my feelings.

“How could I be a Mom? What’s wrong with me?” I cried while talking to my baby and I
preferred to die together with my baby at that moment. Nothing sounded meaningful at all for
me in this world: In fact, part of me had already died – part of me was already gone and gone

Eventually the journey in hell, the surgery was finished, and one nurse showed me part of a
bloody foot with her tweezers. Through my tears, the picture of the bloody foot was engraved
into my eyes and into my heart, and so clearly I could see the five small bloody toes.

Immediately the baby was thrown into a trash can…

Finally, I was allowed to go home from the hospital. I did not eat anything, or even drink any
water, for several days. I barely talked with anyone. From time to time at home, I could hear the
mourning of my father. He was released after I was caught, but he had been beaten terribly; it
took him over a month to recover physically. Looking at my father, thinking of my dead baby, I
cried day and night, and frequently the picture of the little bloody foot came up in my mind.
Physically I recovered after about one month, but psychologically and spiritually – never!
At that time, I got a migraine headache, and it is with me up to today.

Some people have said that time is the best medicine and time can heal everything. But this is
not the case for me: as time goes on, the suffering is getting worse and worse and memory is
getting clearer and clearer.

Thank God I became a Christian; God did help me and healed me. The Bible teaches us that as
long as we confess our sin, we will be forgiven. Frequently I come to the Lord, asking for
forgiveness. I know God has already forgiven my sin, but very often I could not forgive myself.
I do believe that I will meet my baby again in heaven. If God allows, I will ask the forgiveness
from my baby when I see him/her in heaven.

As a Chinese saying says, whenever you have broken your tooth, you swallow it by yourself. I
never shared this experience with anyone before, because the scars in my heart are one million
times more painful than the scars on my body!

While I was writing this short testimony, several times I cried out and I could not continue
writing. I knew that there are millions of Chinese sisters are suffering and will suffer the same
thing that I suffered.

Who could help them? Who could save them? The one-child policy and forced abortion policy
have killed millions of innocent lives in China. How could this inhuman crime be stopped?
When could this inhuman crime be stopped?

May God forgive me, that on that day I will meet my baby in heaven!
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-29 16:02:11 | 只看该作者


华盛顿 — 在美国国会及行政部门中国问题委员会周二举行的听证会上,与会者呼吁国会推动奥巴马政府对中国的黑客攻击以及侵犯知识产权行为采取实际的惩罚措施。作证的有美国政治人士、智库的专家,以及中国人权活动人士等。他们介绍了中国黑客攻击对中国人权活动人士,以及对美国商业的影响。







“中国有两个趋势,其实是并行的趋势。一个是中国互联网和媒体的控制趋势在不断加强。但是中国的言论空间随着互联网技术的提升,上网人数的增加,以及个人权利的启蒙也在不断扩大。另外一个趋势是,随着整个社会的向下 沉沦,崛起的人越来越多。我认为,中国网民已经成为传递自由信息的生力军。”




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